RisPlan is the ultimate shift planning and scheduling solution. It allows easy, complete and comprehensive planning and allocation of both human and material resources.
All information is clearly and intuitively displayed through user-friendly graphic interfaces.
Thanks to these features, questions like the distribution of work-loads or the unavailability of staff, whether on personal, medical or training grounds can be checked and solved at a glance.
User-friendly graphic solutions also immediately point out which resources can be assigned to different specific tasks. The system helps employees operating a choice on the basis of the personnel skills required and also on each staff member’s updated working hours record.
RisPlan’s competitive advantages
- Easy « hands on » approach. RisPlan’s interface has been created for fast training and easy usage, taking advantage of the latest technologies. It makes planning totally transparent and enables employees to handle any staff member’s needs. Any correction of mistakes in the process generates real time information updates and consequent proposal of alternative scenarios
- A significative reduction in time and errors. Spend less time shift planning and assign the right resources to the right tasks! RisPlan lowers and the amount of time and errors usually made in the process of planning shifts thanks to the handling of information in real time, immediate error detecting and prompt advice on the best alternative solutions
- Flexibility. RisPlan has been created with a modular, scalable and totally customizable approach in mind. That’s why it suits any organizational need, any company size and any business environment. Models defining type of shifts, staff contracts, holidays etc. are matched with all resources available on a time-based line. The end result is not just flexibility but also a high level of customization resulting in simpler data calculations
- Total Integration. RisPlan is built as the perfect complement to RisTime, RISNOVA’s staff access control system. RisTime allows any RisPlan user to have immediate on line control of employees’operations even from remote headquarters. The data can be conveniently exported in any of the most widespread formats (PDF, Word, Outlook, etc.). The high development standards employed in the program allow for optional integration with other software systems or programs. Enquiries and quotes relative to these aspects to be discussed separately.
RisPlan’s Features
- Differentiated access permission. RisPlan can help you define different users’profiles, each of them with access permission to specific tasks area or environments
- Immediate access to staff data and functions. Every information such a staff details, skills and contracts is conveyed to the program to spare the effort of carrying out time-consuming checking of all exceptions and rules involved while shift planning. A single employee can have access to several working roles within the company. Any role can be independently and easily configured simply by recalling the parameter models within the program itself
- Unlimited shift patterns scheduling. Any shift can be defined either very simply or in the most sophisticated way, to suit any companies’necessities. Special time requirements in shifts can be expressed or highlighted by codes or text, colour coding, sub-sessions, coefficients. Shifts can be planned according to which employee must be assigned to a specific task even on a very complex time-detailed daily basis
- Group shifts scheduling. Some companies need to manage several groups of people. RisPlan is the solution. The program can create and manage an unlimited number of teams on an unlimited number of time shifts. Besides, all information relative to each team’s work can either be displayed or hidden from the general staff planning overview
- Quick calculation of working hours and holidays balance. RisPlan recapitulates any single employee’s profile details. Patterns can be assigned to each profile according to contract based mandatory working hours, holidays made or hours of leave still due. Queries on the balance of any of the topics mentioned are quick, results outcome fast and any corrections can be made, with no limits imposed by date and also on just a single person basis. RisPlan’s immediate query answer reports last-minute updated balances for any staff member. No need for the operator to worry about any further complicated data processing.
- Resource planning at a glance. Special care has been put in offering easy access to all the necessary information on planning, especially while planning overviews are being put together. Records on staff availability, shift allocation, total worked hours versus contract hours due are always within easy reach. Selected general information can be made visible to teams working on different shifts in order to be shared amongst them. Every planning overview has a rich panel of customized options to choose from.
- Leave and holiday planning made easy. Past records on personal and National holidays and staff leave can be quickly recalled both on an individual and general basis. This is the best way to plan strategically and in advance for peak activity periods. National holidays days as well as company holidays can be imported in the system through MS-Outlook calendars, XML etc. and managed according to need. RisPlan also enables the employer to set up a score based holiday planning system. A different score is assigned to each period of the year. This additional record can help build a motivational « priority access to holidays » program for staff members.
- Shift Roster publishing and sharing. RisPlan offers a wide number of display options for reports, starting from the most general ones showing shifts overview and all relevant info connected, all the way to the most specific ones detailing past and present records (including working days and days off) of a single employee. In a near future the program will even enable any staff member to access his personal information by a remote access device (Pc, Pad, Smartphone, etc.) in a safe and secure way.
- Customized report graphics and print. A rich panel of customized graphic display and print options is managed through the embedded editor function. The program can export any report as seen on video to the most widely used application formats, such as Word, Excel, Outlook, PDF, Png, Jpg.
RisPlan’s Technical Features
- Simple and easy installation and update process
- Multilingual program (languages: Italian, German, French, English)
- Multiuser access
- Latest generation graphics with all Drag&Drop functions enabled plus pop-up menus
- Global and personal (for single user) parameters setup
- Developed according to the latest technologies which allow easy interfacing with other programs.
RisPlan factsheet
Download the RisPlan factsheet PDF (1’847 kB)